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Navori Flickerblade

LoL Navori Quickblade: Upcoming Patch Changes

What is the Navori Quickblade?

The Navori Quickblade is a new item in League of Legends that is designed to give champions with low cooldowns a significant boost in damage and cooldown reduction. The item is currently in testing on the Public Beta Environment (PBE) and is expected to be released in the next major patch.

Upcoming Changes

According to the latest PBE update, the Navori Quickblade will be receiving several changes in the next patch. The most significant change is that the item will no longer provide a flat bonus to ability cooldown reduction. Instead, it will now grant a percentage-based cooldown reduction. This change will make the item more effective on champions with high base cooldowns.

In addition to the cooldown reduction changes, the Navori Quickblade will also be receiving a slight nerf to its cost. The item will now cost 3,200 gold, up from 3,000 gold. This change will make the item slightly less accessible in the early game.


The upcoming changes to the Navori Quickblade are likely to have a significant impact on the game. The item is already very strong on champions with low cooldowns, and the changes in the next patch will only make it stronger. It is likely that the Navori Quickblade will become a core item on many champions in the next patch, so players should be prepared to adjust their builds accordingly.
